
Showing posts from March, 2020

black and white to color

For this project we had to take a photo from black and white and add new colors into the image from an already existing color palette. I chose to pick a photo from last spring break because it reminds me of when we weren't stuck inside. The first photo I altered was the one titled square, I chose square because the color captured my eye and reminded me of summer. This was chosen after I decided that I wanted some yellow in each of my photos. I chose these color palettes because they all differ but have the yellow bringing them together. This project troubled me a little because I had issues outlining everything to add the colors but once I finished the first one it was a breeze to complete. This ended up taking me about 2 hours total and then another 10 to add the tag to it. Below you will find my 3 different versions with my favorite being the square version.  here is the original photo: 

Tag Brush

This assignments objective was to take our black and white logo from adobe illustrator and create a "tag" similar to a graffiti tag you'd see on the street. This assignment felt a little confusing to me at first because of the instructions, I'm more of a hands on and visual learner that reading instructions just ends up frustrating me. Ever since classes went online due to Covid-19 I've been struggling to get assignments done because they feel optional now that I don't actually have to show up to campus. I chose the colors red, orange and yellow for my tag brush assignment because I normally have a very bright outlook on things but the virus outbreak has made it hard for me to remain positive, I put the red on top of the brighter colors because it is representative of how upset I am that there will not be a commencement ceremony in May, and I know that may sound like a first world problem because people are literally dying but I can't help but feel l...

Photoshop Tutorials this first tutorial is very informative because it shows the basics of photoshop within 5 minutes. I think this is helpful because I have previous knowledge with photoshop but this tutorial helped to polish my skills. this tutorial shows how to blend two photos together creatively, I chose to include this tutorial because an issue I always notice when viewing is that people who use photoshop tend to miss minor details when blending two photos together, I believe if I ever need to blend two photos together I could do so by watching this video again. This tutorial is similar to the second tutorial I included in this post, it shows how to make a smooth cut in a photo to make the photoshopped photo as clean cut as possible. This tutorial is a bit longer but the creator did it so he could work on 3 different examples in one video. Each example focuses on...

Propaganda Poster

This project took me about 5 hours total to create and I am so proud of the outcome because I think it actually resembles me. One thing I struggled with was creating the eyes and making them look realistic and as close to mine as possible, I wanted to seek help in person but since class was cancelled I troubleshooted and watched many tutorials on Youtube for help. One thing I could've done better would probably be the my hair, I think I got the shape down really well with the pen tool but I couldn't seem to figure out how to put the highlights in without making them look choppy. Other than those issues I had a lot of fun making this self portrait. I chose to use the saying "give peace a chance" but added "let us" because it looks like I am running in a campaign and I will be bringing the world peace if the people select me. I decided to challenge myself and make my hand into a peace sign out of words that part alone took me about one hour. I wanted to...

Gradient Mesh

 For my gradient mesh I made a sunflower because there is such a distinct color difference in each of the petals. Each year during sunflower season I go to a sunflower maze with friends but this past weekend I was in Hyde Park Village and I saw a flower truck, within that flower truck were mini sunflowers. Sunflowers are known to be happy flowers because they face the sun and a nickname I used to get called as a child was sunshine. This project was a little tricky to me because I felt like I didn't understand how the gradient mesh worked, once I figured it out it was much easier for me to finish this assignment. It took me about 5 hours overall to get it exactly how I wanted it to look. It was not my favorite project because I did get frustrated a ton while working on it but I do think it ended up looking very nice.

Personal Logo

My personal logo is made up of a film camera because I like to make films and edit in my free time, I positioned the legs for the tripod so it would resemble that but also resemble a peace sign if you look closely. I chose to use the linear gradient from yellow to orange because my favorite color is orange and I wanted this to be representative of me and what I like to do. The middle logo was accidental and I am not sure how I got it to look like that but I thought it looked cool because it still shows the film camera but just a different color. I believe that if I wanted I could use my personal logo in black and white as well as color because the object isn't abstract and people know what film cameras look like.