Tag Brush

This assignments objective was to take our black and white logo from adobe illustrator and create a "tag" similar to a graffiti tag you'd see on the street. This assignment felt a little confusing to me at first because of the instructions, I'm more of a hands on and visual learner that reading instructions just ends up frustrating me. Ever since classes went online due to Covid-19 I've been struggling to get assignments done because they feel optional now that I don't actually have to show up to campus.

I chose the colors red, orange and yellow for my tag brush assignment because I normally have a very bright outlook on things but the virus outbreak has made it hard for me to remain positive, I put the red on top of the brighter colors because it is representative of how upset I am that there will not be a commencement ceremony in May, and I know that may sound like a first world problem because people are literally dying but I can't help but feel like all my hard work was thrown out the window because now my family will not be able to see me walk across the stage. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.


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