Photoshop Tutorials
this first tutorial is very informative because it shows the basics of photoshop within 5 minutes. I think this is helpful because I have previous knowledge with photoshop but this tutorial helped to polish my skills.
this tutorial shows how to blend two photos together creatively, I chose to include this tutorial because an issue I always notice when viewing is that people who use photoshop tend to miss minor details when blending two photos together, I believe if I ever need to blend two photos together I could do so by watching this video again.
This tutorial is similar to the second tutorial I included in this post, it shows how to make a smooth cut in a photo to make the photoshopped photo as clean cut as possible. This tutorial is a bit longer but the creator did it so he could work on 3 different examples in one video. Each example focuses on a different aspect to cut out. I think this video would help me to make a great photoshopped picture without it looking wonky.


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