Calligram Illustrator
I referenced the album cover when creating my calligram because I wanted the colors to be in the proper place and be as close to the original as possible. One thing I probably could've improved on was making the colors more vibrant but every time I messed around with them on Illustrator the photo just began to look darker. The words used in the calligram come from 4 different songs by Maggie Rogers, The first one is called Give A Little and is featured on this album and was one of the first singles she released in order to begin teasing for a new album. Overnight is the next song I decided to use and it is also featured on this album, but it is one of my top songs by the artist which is why I decided to include it. The third song I included is called Say It and it is about having feelings about someone you know you can't be with, I chose to include this song in the calligram because I believe that everyone has been in this position at some point in their life. The final song lyrics that finish the calligram are from the first song I heard by Maggie Rogers called Color Song, I wanted to include this song because she opened her concert with this song and the visuals for it were so beautiful that I think about them all the time.
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